We’re a Kiwi Company that has had over 20 years experience in the Disaster Recovery industry and helped businesses large and small to be prepared.

The catastrophic Canterbury earthquakes and the graphic images of the Japanese tsunami have reminded us all of the incredible power of mother nature.

Cell phones and cameras have caught the devastation first-hand and in the aftermath, people recovering their lives, homes and businesses were the lucky ones.

It seems that natural disasters are becoming more frequent or perhaps technology and communications make the broadcast of such events an easier proposition than in the past.

What these events have highlighted is that anyone and everyone must be prepared in order to survive and more-so than any other time in history, electronic technology can play an integral role in being prepared.

Preparedness for some could be as simple as backing up data. For others it may require relocation, specific skills, specialised equipment, insurances, succession planning and technology recovery.

You may be thinking “I’m too small and the cost will be too great.” Well, some things may well be beyond your reach and some solutions may not be reasonable but with a pragmatic, sensible approach, together we will identify a solution that is most appropriate for your requirements - a solution that you will have complete control of,  a solution that won’t break the bank.

Call us on 021 511 092 to arrange a FREE, no-obligation assessment.

Don’t leave anything to chance - Don’t wait until it’s too late - get in touch.




In business, data is behind every account, every customer, every email and every query.

At home, insurance policies, diaries, wills, recipes, valuations and family photographs are being saved and stored as data.

Loss of business data can range from being grossly inconvenient and expensive, to being a total disaster.

Loss of personal data on home computers is heartbreaking.

Speak with us about our automated and inexpensive backup solution for small to medium business and home users - into the Cloud.

You created your  Golden Egg - protect it!